My dear students
I have to tell you that I’m totally surprised for
everything we have lived together, but at the same time I am very happy because
you gave me the opportunity to know you and to love you. When I stared this
scholar year I was very excited but I never imagine that I would have such
great moments with you. I remember every good moment we had together and I have
to tell you that now you are my favorite students, the group that I consider
mine, we have learn so much together so I feel that I will always remember you
as my first students in this institution.
I cannot count all the funny times we had, and all the
crazy things you have said that make me laugh or things that we did together. I
just mention some to make you laugh again like what is pushchair…. Or when we dance in the mini party, or when I gave
you your amco book in the scary house, all those moments were wonderful and I
really appreciate them.
I am feeling that the end is coming, now you are
bigger and smarter, you are ready to go to fifth grade, to have new challenges,
new teachers and to have new friends. I’m
very proud of you because I know that you now are responsible kids capable to
know what is good or wrong, and that wherever you go you will be my kids, the
ones that taught me to believe again in teaching.
Thank you very much for everything I love you with all
my heart
Love, Miss Eira
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